Following the murder of the famous Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala, various gangster gangs have come into the picture. As earlier Goldy Brar and the Lawrence Bishnoi gang claimed responsibility for his death. And a rival gang, Davinder Bambiha also warned in past to take the revenge. But now Bambiha gang again shared a new post on Facebook stating death threats to another well-known singer, Mankirat Aulakh.
As per the post, Mankirat was suspected to be involved as a part of the gangs and in the murder case of Sidhu Moosewala. He has been receiving death threats ever since. He has also asked for an increase in security for his safety and also posted several Instagram stories justifying how he's not a part of any of it.
A few days back Sidhu's parents were seen protesting against how it's been three months and justice still has not been served. The gangster's Facebook post claims to take revenge on everybody who was involved in this murder and bring justice to the departed soul and his family. They've also stated that any other person supporting Bhagwanpuria, Lawrence Bishnoi, and Goldy Brar is on their target.