BJP MP has proposed to make live in relationships illegal to protect women.
BJP MP Ajay Pratap Singh has urged the government to make live-in relationships illegal citing a recent murder case of one Saraswati Vaidya in Mumbai, who was allegedly killed by her live-in partner.
To further back his claims he also cited WHO data and said that nearly 38% of all murders of women in the world are by their intimate partners but failed to mention that the WHO data includes married women as well.
Singh believes that marriage and family ties are a cultural heritage in India and that religious scriptures and customs do not grant recognition to live-ins.
He noted that the Supreme Court has recognized live-in relationships but said that Indian society considers it unethical but it’s not illegal. According to him, if live-ins are unethical, then they should be illegal as well.
According to NFHS-5 data, nearly 30% or every 1 in 3 married women experienced domestic or sexual violence. The Supreme Court in February 2023 also called the implementation of the domestic violence act “dismal” as there were 4.7 lakh domestic violence cases pending across 801 districts in the country.
Report by Shaurya
Graphics by Jasmine Malik