Today, PU Staff (Non-teaching) Association submitted a letter to the Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh regarding installation of air conditioners/central cooling systems, especially on the top floor of the Administrative Block for smoothing the production of work.
The letter was undersigned by Sr. Vice President, Deepak Sharma and General Secretary, Naini Gupta stating that due to rising temperatures, unbearable heat and humidity, employees are unable to perform their duties effectively resulting in a decrease in the production and efficiency of work.
Moreover, the examination branch is termed as the central nervous system for the entire campus and crowded as a number of students with queries visit the branch due to peak season. So the examination branch must have air conditioning inside to ensure efficiency in workings as well as by giving them a conductive working environment.
Additionally, they suggested a phase wise installation from top to bottom floors.
Now the question raised is that if productivity is directly related to the comfort of the employees then is this the reason for delay in examination results?
What are your thoughts on it? As students are the first hand witnesses of the functioning of the examination branch.
Report by Aman Arya
Graphics by Niyonika