On September 16, Sukhbir Singh Badal and Bikram Singh Majithia along with Ajaypal Middukhera, Rozy Barkandi Raju Khanna alloted the responsibilities for the upcoming Panjab University Elections. Chetan Chaudhary, Arpit Makkar and Iqbal Preet Singh have been appointed as election incharges of the party. President will be Jashan Jwanada with Gagandeep Singh Dhaliwal as Party President and Gurshaan Dhaliwal as Campus President of the party.
Earlier there was so much confusion between the party even party is not clearing its official handles due to some groupism. However former president Chetan Chaudhary was fully confident that he will get high command this time. Now it will be intersting to see that other group members would stay with SOI or the things are gonna change with this announcement.
Report by : Chetan Raikwar