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Mumbai become India's most polluted city and world's second most polluted city.

These revelations came after Swiss air tracking index IQAir, which is a real-time air quality monitor, declared Mumbai as the most polluted city in India and the third most unhealthy city worldwide for air quality worldwide.

In the peak months of winter from November to January in 2022-23, air quality in Mumbai, has fallen due to various factors. Experts have criticized the dust due to roads and construction activities and smoke from vehicular transmission have contributed to the high level of pollution in Mumbai.

According to 2020 research by NEERI and IIT-B the road or construction dust is the cause of more than 71% of the particulate matter load in Mumbai, and the remainder is caused by factories, power plants, airports, and waste dumps.

Report by Shreya Suman

Graphics by Garima Puri


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