PU Pulse was the first who raised this issue for the ones who actually deserved to be in the council as they really worked hard before lockdown.
After the regular reports of Pulse and highlighting the case of Uttrakhand High Court, where a student got 2 year age relaxation for contesting in student body elections, a student of Panjab University Gagan Nandal put a writ in the high court demanding age relaxation.
The High court in its decision left the decision to the University and asked them for the answer in 12 days.
But now as per sources it seems that University is not showing much interest in the age relaxation as they are not liking some candidates on the personal level. But isn't this unfair to other deserving ones? Because many of the students even from colleges submitted the memorandum regarding the same from authorities and at that time they said that if HC allows them they can go for it.
However, the decision is still pending and students are still hoping that University will do justice with their political career.
Stay tuned with Pulse for all the updates
Report by Sourav Kansal
Graphics by Jasmine Malik