Raghav Chadha, the national spokesperson of the Aam Aadmi Party and a member of the Rajya Sabha, has been suspended from the latter. The suspension came after four MPs complained against him for naming them in a house panel without their consent. Chadha will remain suspended from the Rajya Sabha until the Privileges Committee submits its report on the matter.
Chadha had hit out at the BJP for accusing him of forging the signatures of five MPs in a motion related to the Delhi services bill. He asserted that the allegations against him were “baseless” and said an MP can propose the name of any other member without their written consent or signature for a Select Committee.
The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha Jagdeep Dhankhar announced Raghav Chadha’s suspension. His suspension followed a motion moved by the Leader of the House Piyush Goyal who sought action against the AAP leader for including names of four members of the Upper House in a proposed select committee for the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2023. The motion was passed by a voice vote.
Raghav Chadha has been suspended from the Rajya Sabha over forgery allegations and will remain suspended until the Privileges Committee submits its report. The situation is still developing and more information may become available in the future. Keep following as we bring you the latest update on all latest and developing news.
Report by Shaurya
Graphics by Khushpreet