Chandigarh's Nehal Sharma, a 20 year old student of SD College recently got the opportunity to become a British diplomat for a day. She is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from GGDSD College.
Nehal won the contest from Chandigarh region where participants from Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand took part. The contest was for women of the age range of 18 to 23 and it was celebrated in honour of International Girl Child day. The competition required making and uploading a 1 minute video talking about the "Women who encourage you the most" on twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
She also met Caroline Rowett ,British Deputy High commissioner and many senior members of High commission staff and interacted with Sarbjit Kaur Dhillon, Chandigarh Mayor, senior staff members of Canada's Consulate General and women Radio Jockeys (RJs).
Upon interaction with the Deputy Commissioner, she talked about women empowerment, women's role in politics,climate change etc.
Report by Shourya Gupta
Graphics by Jasmine Malik