Recently, Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad has announced the list of members for the next state council. In the list, few faculty members were also included. Prof. Nidhi Gautam who is warden of Girls Hostel has been appointed as state Girls incharge whereas Prof. Prashant Gautam who is director of Sports has also been appointed as State Member of ABVP.
Today SFS Wrote a letter to Dean Student welfare demanding to removal of ABVP members from the official posts of PU. In the letter they mentioned that " The ABVP members are showing biasness towards work having RSS-BJP ideology and they also helped ABVP party in the elections.
However there is no updation on the response of University administration over this.
Stay tuned with PU Pulse for all the updates.
Report and Graphics by Sourav Kansal