The students of Himachal Institute of Pharmacy, Sirmaur have accused the college management of making them stand outside the classroom as a punishment for participating in the Ram Lalla Praan Pratishta Celebration nearby. The state government had announced a holiday for all government offices and educational institutions for the special day, but the college management reportedly violated these orders and the students are warned of getting expelled from the college if they fail to pay off the fine of Rs 2500 each.
An educational institution is supposed to follow the government orders and respect everyone's sentiments, while taking care of the discipline as per the students. After this incident came into notice, some Hindu organizations rushed to the college for protest in demand of justice.
Police was also alerted and has started the investigation while the institution's Vice Principle, Dr. Abhinay Puri has assured that he will listen to both, the HOD as well as the students. He announced that a committee has been established by him for the inspection of this whole incident in detail while the HOD has been sent on a holiday till the dispute is solved.
Report By-Divya
Graphics By- Shruti