Panjab University Campus Student Council Aayush Khatkar admission case is turning into no where. On the one side, Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad is continuously demanding the removal of President and UILS director from the Vice Chancellor, on the other hand it seems that now others have completely ignored this issue.
ABVP is continuously trying each day to make this case alive by doing various activities but their daily struggle seems to be of no use now.However, the SSP and authorities are giving them assurances regularly but it seems like they have been feeding them only sweet pills.
Now the question arises from the opposition too, that rather than accepting their defeat, they are just doing fake propaganda to get limelight for the next elections whereas they are doing nothing for the student welfare.
But the case is still open and it will be interesting that whether this struggle of ABVP against the President makes them to heros for raising voice on this issue or they are just left ignored on this controversy.
Report by Sourav Kansal
Graphics by Riya