Recently it has been reported that Superintendent of English Department, Jagjeevan Ram was beaten badly by a masked man on 23.08.22 at around 5.10 pm when he was leaving from the department. The incident took place around Arts Block-1 and 2. After inquiry it was known that the offender was around 6 ft tall and wore a white check shirt and escaped from Gate No.1. P.U. Security Chief and Punjab Police also reached the place and inquired for the same.
One more case of mayhem has been reported on the same day where the son of an P.U. authority who resides on the campus only badly hit a worker of Law Department Canteen due to some old vendatta.
With the increasing number of cases due to security negligence still no such strict actions are being seen for the good.
Report by Harshita
Graphics by Maitri Mittal