After Chandigarh University made it to the newspapers and media for the objectionable incident that took place last week, another suspect was recently arrested. The accused, Sanjeev Singh, an Army Personnel was arrested from Sela Pass in Arunachal Pradesh. This is the fourth arrest, the girl and 2 other people were arrested before.
It is suspected that Sanjeev was involved in blackmailing the girl who leaked inappropriate videos of her fellow hostel girls. The inquiry is still in process. The accused has been sent to Mohali police station where the FIR was registered and a remand for 2 days has been approved.
All the electronics from the accused boys and the girl have been confiscated. Earlier the girl had claimed that she was blackmailed following which the further arrests were made. The accused are being held under IPC 354 and 66E of the IT act.
Report by Maitri Mittal
Graphics by Nandini Kapil