Today, Punjab's Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema announced a Rs 200 crore grant for Punjabi University, Patiala under Punjab Budget 2022-23. But after this many are criticizing the Government.
‘Punjabi University needs 240 crores as salary grant and 150 crores to clear the loan. What does 200 crores mean? The details are awaited’ - tweeted by many University officials.
Youth Congress Chandigarh President, Manoj Lubana 'Mauji' also raised the question of neglecting Panjab University in the Budget by stating that he appreciated the step AAP Government has taken, but what about Panjab University, Chandigarh?
He also tweeted that Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann is working dedicatedly to give away PU in the hands of the Central Government.
Amid all the controversy over Centralization of PU, this neglecting behaviour of AAP Government puts a question mark.
Report by Megha Gupta
Graphics By Kunal