Bhagwant Mann, the Chief Minister of Punjab, informed on Friday that Punjab government has successfully completed the process of providing financial help to the families of the martyred farmers who were a part of the peasant struggle. A total of Rs 39.55 crore has been given to the families of 789 farmers. He said that five lakh rupees have been provided to every family to help them financially and also stated the total amount given to every district in Punjab separately.
Mr. Mann said that it's the government's duty to take care and protect the grain producers of Punjab and that they will always provide assistance where required. He also promised to help farmers battle the current agriculture crisis, following which he stated about the state government introducing moong as an alternative crop, which is being purchased at the minimum support price (MSP). The state government has also given financial assistance to farmers who do direct sowing of paddy.
Apart from issues related to farmers, Bhagwant Mann was also seen opposing Simaranjit Singh. Shiromani Akali Dal's Sangrur MP, Simranjit Singh Mann, made controversial remarks about Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Bhagwant Mann stated that it is a shame and is unfortunate that such statements are passed leading to the negligence of the actual sacrifice of the martyrs. He also said that people are now questioning the credibility of the martyrs and due to such statements the feeling of nationality can be easily put in danger.
Report by Maitri Mittal
Graphics by Charu